Health & Safety

Makstil’s commitment to continuous improvement of the health and safety of our employees is our main priority, which contributes to the achievement of the company's goals.

At Makstil, improving the safety is of paramount importance. The company has developed an occupational health and safety management system which serves as an effective approach when managing and continually eliminating hazards and minimizing risks.

The company has developed working procedures and instructions which contain mandatorily:
  • health and safety instructions; 
  • procedure in case of work hazard; 
  • procedure in case of fire; 
  • hazards that could occur with the use of equipment; hazards related with energy usage; 
  • hazards that could occur during production processes (chemical and physical hazards); 
  • psychological and mental effort related hazards; 
  • hazards related to the organization of the workplace; 
  • fire related hazards; 
  • additional health and safety instructions; 
  • procedure in case of injury at work.

The company’s key focus always has been improving safety for everyone. Since the beginning of 2019 we have introduced a special safety project. This project includes investments related to improving safety, including new equipment, improved walkways and bridges, safety trainings for all the employees, etc. New safety guidelines were developed, and the old ones were revised. The project’s main goal was ensuring the safety of all employees, making them feel valued for their contribution today whilst continuing to develop their skills.  

Makstil was granted the Best Occupational Health & Safety Award for 2020

Within the European Week for Safety and Health at Work (October 19-23), organized by the National Council for Safety and Health at Work, with the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Makstil received an award for successful creation, implementation and occupational safety and health systems.

On the annual World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, the Association for health and Safety of the Bitola Municipality, Association of Health and Safety at Work “28 April”, Skopje and the Association of Safety Engineers Tutela, Skopje, Makstil received the Certificate of commendation and award for “Workplace Health and Safety best practices for 2021”.

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