Environmental Policy
Makstil has fully committed to the implementation of the environmental policy which is a framework for the establishment of environmental objectives.
The company takes into account the external and internal factors as well as the requirements and expectations of the relevant stakeholders.
Environmental goals are established to minimize the environmental impact that is subject to constant review and improvement. Including:
- Preserve a healthy environment and prevent any negative impact on the environment and human health;
- Compliance with the applicable legal regulations;
- Full compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001 standard and continuous improvement of the efficiency of the environmental system;
- Maximum utilization of inputs and materials and recycling of waste;
- Rational and efficient use of materials and natural resources;
- Respecting environmental and ethical imperatives in making investment decisions;
- Permanent education of employees for good environmental practices and motivation for inclusion in actions for protection of the environment;
- Continuous monitoring of the environmental impact of the production processes.
A-IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) permit.